HR Journal

Employment Trends Survey 2024 – C-suite headcount expectations show optimism despite softer overall hiring sentiment
Publish Date: 2024-06-04
Business Partners 2024 Q2
Research and Study
The eMPF Platform: Revolutionising MPF Management for HR Professionals
Publish Date: 2024-04-22
Business Partners 2024 Q2
Employee Engagement and Wellbeing
Protecting Personal Data Privacy When Using Instant Messaging Apps in Human Resources (“HR”) Management: Recommendations from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data
Publish Date: 2024-04-08
Business Partners 2024 Q2
Employment Law
Hong Kong’s ranking among the world’s most liveable cities recovers but remains significantly lower than ten years ago
Publish Date: 2024-03-18
Business Partners 2024 Q1
Research and Study
Unleashing the Influence: Harnessing the Power of Learning & Development Practitioners in CPD for Organisational Success
Publish Date: 2024-01-15
Business Partners 2024 Q1
Talent Management and Workforce
海外本科生「回流」,香港只適合當跳板嗎? - 金融時報
Publish Date: 2023-07-26
Business Partners 2023 Q3
Working Abroad / Mobility
【人力資源規劃】2023 年人才趨勢及 HR 行業轉變問題 - CTgoodjobs
Publish Date: 2023-03-13
Business Partners 2023 Q1
Employee Engagement and Wellbeing
廣州南沙個稅優惠實施辦法及申報指南公布 撰文:畢馬威中國(KPMG, China)
Publish Date: 2023-01-19
Business Partners 2023 Q1
Working Abroad / Mobility
【人才短缺】人才流失三大原因 企業與HR必須對症下藥解決問題 By CTgoodjobs
Publish Date: 2022-11-16
Business Partners 2022 Q4
Talent Management and Workforce
【人力資源】HR被指是「人民公敵」? HKIHRM副會長陸國坤:要多關心員工 By CTgoodjobs
Publish Date: 2022-10-10
Business Partners 2022 Q3
Employee Engagement and Wellbeing
【員工福利】福利政策漸趨多元 HKIHRM會長孔于人:需配合企業文化而行 By CTgoodjobs
Publish Date: 2022-08-31
Business Partners 2022 Q3
Employee Engagement and Wellbeing
33%僱員未來一年欲轉工?2022年就業市場趨樂觀 企業留才5大方案:薪酬、工作模式與時並進 By JobsDB
Publish Date: 2022-07-26
Business Partners 2022 Q2
Research and Study
【危機管理】HR角色分三階段 成內部溝通橋樑 訓練員工「人人皆可為兵」 by CTgoodjobs
Publish Date: 2022-06-27
Business Partners 2022 Q2
Talent Management and Workforce
【疫下新常態】新世代愛遙距工作 HKIHRM會長鄭惠貞︰僱員與員工需要多溝通 by CTgoodjobs
Publish Date: 2022-05-17
Business Partners 2022 Q2
Talent Management and Workforce

The HKIHRM aims at disseminating information on our services, events, programmes in a timely and efficient manner. HR Journal plays a pivotal role in bringing together members and the Institute. The journal features the latest trends and skills pertaining to HR management, insights from HR veterans, as well as the Institute's major programmes.

External Communications Committee

  • Andy Luk, Informa Markets (Chairperson)
  • Patrick Cheung, Standard Chartered Bank
  • Joey Lau, DBS Bank
  • Vincent Wu, Marsh McLennan
  • Jeremy Yu, Amgen

HR Journal Editorial Team

  • Pen Chan, Digital Editor