Unleashing the Influence: Harnessing the Power of Learning & Development Practitioners in CPD for Organisational Success

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Publish Date: 2024-01-15

Key Takeaways:


  • Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is essential for L&D professionals to stay competitive and adapt to evolving demands in their field. Implementing an effective CPD programme requires a well-defined strategy and a structured approach.

  • The 5-step development roadmap for CPD includes self-assessment, identifying learning gaps, setting goals, engaging in diverse learning solutions, and earning a certificate of completion. This roadmap provides a framework for professionals to enhance their skills, prioritise their development, and track their progress.

  • Engaging in diverse learning solutions, such as self-learning platforms, reading materials, social learning, and webinars, maximises learning outcomes and caters to different learning preferences. Balancing these sources ensures a comprehensive and well-rounded CPD experience.

  • Evaluation mechanisms, including pre- and post-behavioural assessments, feedback surveys, and the application of evaluation models like Kirkpatrick's model, are essential to assess the effectiveness of the CPD programme and make data-driven decisions for improvement.

  • Expanding CPD initiatives to other departments and aligning them with the organisation's goals fosters a culture of continuous learning and development. Organisations play a crucial role in supporting CPD by creating a conducive learning environment, providing mentoring programmes, recognising and rewarding CPD efforts, and promoting knowledge sharing and collaboration.

The central mission of Learning & Development (L&D) practitioners has always been to unleash the potential of individuals. By employing various training methods, we strive to empower people and equip them with enhanced competencies, ultimately fostering organisational success. However, in this ever-evolving landscape of modern training, it is crucial for L&D professionals to ensure that they themselves possess the necessary knowledge and skillset. This is where Continuous Professional Development (CPD) comes into play, as an essential component in the field of Learning & Development. It enables L&D professionals to continually enhance their knowledge, skills, and competences. This journal aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the significance of a CPD scheme in the L&D domain and explore effective strategies for its successful implementation. 


Strategies for Successgul CPD Implementation


Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is essential for L&D professionals to stay competitive and adapt to the evolving demands of their field. However, implementing an effective CPD programme can pose challenges for both individuals and organisations. To overcome these challenges and ensure the successful implementation of CPD, a well-defined strategy is crucial. This journal introduces a 5-step development roadmap, which serves as a strategic approach to guide HR professionals and organisations in their CPD journey. By following these steps, individuals can assess their competences, identify learning gaps, commit to achievement, pursue diverse learning solutions, and earn certificates of completion. This roadmap provides a comprehensive and strategic framework for CPD, enabling HR professionals to enhance their skills, advance their careers, and make meaningful contributions to their organisations.


Step 1: Complete Self-Assessment Survey on Functional and Non-functional Competences

The first step in the development roadmap is for L&D professionals to complete a comprehensive self-assessment survey. This survey evaluates both functional and non-functional competences, providing individuals with a clear understanding of their current skill set. By assessing their strengths and areas for improvement, professionals gain insights into the specific areas they need to focus on during their CPD journey.


Step 2: Identify Learning Gaps into "Exploring," "Capable," and "Expert"

Based on the self-assessment results, L&D professionals move on to identifying their learning gaps. This step involves categorising their competences into three levels: "Exploring," "Capable," and "Expert." This classification helps individuals understand their proficiency levels and sets the foundation for creating personalised development plans.


Step 3: Commit to Achievement Form

Once the learning gaps are identified, L&D professionals commit to an achievement form. This form serves as a personal commitment to prioritise and dedicate time and effort to their CPD journey. It outlines specific goals and milestones, fostering a sense of accountability and motivation throughout the development process.


Step 4: Accomplish Learning Solutions

L&D professionals embark on the fourth step by engaging in diverse learning solutions. This includes leveraging the four categories of learning sources: self-learning platforms, books/articles, social learning platforms, and webinars/curricula. By incorporating a balanced mix of these learning sources, professionals gain a comprehensive understanding of industry trends, expand their knowledge base, and develop essential skills.


Step 5: Earn Certificate of Completion

The final step of the development roadmap is to earn a certificate of completion. This certificate symbolises the successful accomplishment of the CPD journey and serves as a recognition of the effort and dedication put into professional development. It also adds value to L&D professionals' credentials, demonstrating their commitment to continuous learning and growth.


Implementation Learning Solutions of CPD Scheme


To maximise learning results and create a comprehensive learning portfolio, it is important for L&D professionals to strike a balance among the four categories of learning sources. These categories include self-learning through platforms like LinkedIn Learning, reading books and articles, engaging in social learning platforms for peer discussions, and participating in webinars and curated curricula that also foster networking and collaboration opportunities.

Category 1: Self-Learning Platforms

Self-learning platforms, such as LinkedIn Learning, offer a wide range of online courses and tutorials specifically designed for professional development. These platforms provide L&D professionals with the flexibility to learn at their own pace and explore various topics relevant to their specific needs. Self-learning allows individuals to acquire new skills, gain industry insights, and stay updated with the latest HR practices.


Category 2: Books and Articles

Reading books and articles remains a valuable source of knowledge and inspiration for L&D professionals. Books written by industry experts and thought leaders offer in-depth insights, practical strategies, and case studies that can broaden L&D professionals' perspectives. Articles from reputable publications and academic journals provide access to current research, emerging trends, and best practices in L&D.


Category 3: Social Learning Platforms

Social learning platforms, such as online forums, communities, and professional networking sites, facilitate peer discussions and knowledge sharing. L&D professionals can engage with like-minded individuals to exchange ideas, seek advice, and collaborate on solving common challenges. These platforms provide opportunities to learn from others' experiences, gain diverse perspectives, and build professional networks that can support ongoing development.

Category 4: Webinars and Curricula

Webinars and curated curricula offer structured learning experiences through online seminars and workshops. These platforms provide L&D professionals with access to subject matter experts, industry leaders, and thought-provoking content. Webinars and curated curricula not only deliver targeted knowledge and skills but also foster networking and collaboration opportunities through interactive sessions, group activities, and virtual discussions. Furthermore, licensed trainers program are provided to uplift both the functional and non-functional competency as a seasoned L&D practitioner.

Evaluation of CPD Scheme


Evaluating the effectiveness of our CPD scheme is of utmost importance as it allows us to assess its impact, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that we are meeting the learning needs of our participants. In line with this commitment to continuous improvement, we have implemented a comprehensive evaluation mechanism to gauge the effectiveness of our programme.


By employing a comprehensive evaluation approach, incorporating Kirkpatrick's model, pre- and post-behavioural assessments, and focus group discussions, we gather both quantitative and qualitative data to assess the outcomes and impact of our Continuous Professional Development (CPD) initiatives. Out of the 29 L&DD colleagues who participated in the CPD scheme with over 270 different learning materials being gone through, we achieved a remarkable 100% completion rate for the pilot programme, with a cumulative learning duration of 451 hours. It is worth noting that self-learning courses, specifically online learning, proved to be the most popular among participants, accounting for 38% of the type of learning category. This preference can be attributed to the convenience of accessing educational resources anytime and anywhere. By adopting this holistic evaluation process, we can make informed, data-driven decisions, refine our programme, and consistently deliver valuable learning experiences to all participants.


Our participants mentioned, “It is a good platform to foster a self-learning culture among our L&DD team members, and what’s better than having a common goal in learning and growth?”. Our supervisor also adds, “People influence people, and through our CPD scheme, we are empowering our employees to become catalysts of growth and transformation. Together, we will inspire, support, and uplift one another, driving our organisation to new heights of success.".


Moving Forward


The benefits of CPD can extend beyond individual professionals and be leveraged across the entire organisation. By expanding the CPD scheme to other departments, organisations can foster a culture of continuous learning and development. Integrating CPD into the Performance Management Framework ensures that professional development is aligned with organisational goals and supports the overall growth and success of the organisation. Organisations should provide support for CPD initiatives by creating an environment that encourages continuous learning, offering mentoring programmes, recognising and rewarding CPD efforts, and fostering a culture of knowledge sharing and collaboration.




CPD is a journey that enables L&D professionals to enhance their competence, advance their careers, and contribute to the success of their organisations. By following a strategic roadmap and embracing a culture of continuous learning, professionals can thrive in a rapidly changing work landscape.


My CPD Taskforce


A group of dedicated CPD Taskforce: Ms. Denise Kee, GM-Learning& HR Transformation (middle), Mr. Chester Tsang, Head of Learning (1st right), Mr. Spencer Chu, Manager – Learning & Development (2nd right), Mr. Kenneth Wong, Manager – Learning Technology (2nd left), and Ms. Winnie Hui, Senior Learning and Development Executive (1st left).


Launching a CPD scheme in MTR L&DD (Learning and Development Department) is a complex endeavour, but with the active involvement of my dedicated taskforce, its success is within reach. Together with the taskforce, we act as a learning advocate, championing the importance of continuous development within the department. By creating a collaborative environment and fostering knowledge exchange, we inspire our fellow colleagues to enhance their professional competencies. Initiating a CPD scheme in L&DD is just the beginning of a transformative journey. As the programme gains traction and demonstrates its impact, it can be further promoted and expanded to other business units within the organisation. By showcasing the positive outcomes and benefits of CPD, the influence of L&DD can escalate across the entire organisation. This expansion will not only enhance the professional development of employees in various departments but also foster a culture of continuous larning and growth throughout the entire organisation. Your efforts in L&DD will serve as a catalyst for broader organisational change, ultimately driving the success and competitiveness of the entire company.