Masterclass: Professional Certificate in Strategic HR Business Partner (Intermediate Level)

日期: 2024年08月31日 - 2024年09月14日
時間: 9:30am – 5:30pm
價格: 會員 HK$8,500; 非會員 HK$9,500



上課地點:香港人力資源管理學會 香港九⿓觀塘觀塘道378號創紀之城2期18樓 1810-15室 (鄰近港鐵牛頭⻆站A出口約3分鐘路程)


超級早鳥優惠 [報名表格及費用須於 5月31日或之前 繳交]

會員 HK$ 7,000

非會員 HK$ 8,000

早鳥優惠 [報名表格及費用須於 7月31日或之前 繳交]

會員 HK$ 7,500

非會員 HK$ 8,500

This unique and comprehensive capability-building program is tailor-made to nurture you to be a successful Strategic Business Partner. This course is not a typical HR Business Partner course available in the market. This course is extremely strategic and holistic to help participants to achieve the following objectives and is guided by a world-class business-oriented HR leader.


1. Envision and enable participants to become Strategic Business Partner to add value to business


2. Enhance participants’ sense of pride as Strategic Business Partner and high-value HR talent to create a fulfilling career


This is the Intermediate level to lay a strong foundation of being a Strategic Business Partner and paves you to attend the Advanced and Mastery levels in future.


To qualify for the course certificate, full programme participants are required to fulfil ALL of the requirements below:

  • 100% attendance of the full programme
  • A pass mark in in-class test(s) or assignment(s)

