How to Lead and Achieve Results with Belbin Team Roles

日期: 2024年08月16日
時間: 9:30am – 5:30pm
價格: 會員:HK$2,800;非會員:HK$3,900

持續專業發展(CPD)時數: 7




上課地點:香港人力資源管理學會,香港九⿓觀塘觀塘道378號創紀之城2期18樓 1810-15室 (鄰近港鐵牛頭⻆站A出口約3分鐘路程)


超級早鳥優惠 [2024年6月21日或之前報名]*

會員 HK$ 2,070

非會員 HK$ 2,880


早鳥優惠 [2024年7月15日或之前報名]*

會員 HK$ 2,300

非會員 HK$ 3,200





Are you looking to navigate today's evolving challenges and equip your team with the skills to thrive in a BANI (Brittle, Anxious, Non-Linear, Incomprehensible) environment?


Are your team experiencing a talent drain due to workforce outflows and a shift in preferences among Gen Z?


This workshop will help you engage, develop, and drive better team results. With the Belbin Team Roles and POA framework as the major tools, we will dive into your team roles, and study how to improve internal effectiveness and leverage multiple leadership styles in challenging situations.


Key Takeaways


  • Understand the significance of Team Roles and how they contribute to a team's success


  • Discover your Belbin Team Roles and learn how to utilise your strengths effectively with the Report


  • Learn practical techniques for building complementary relationships with colleagues and skillfully managing conflicts


  • Explore approaches in engaging and developing teams and driving team results