Risk Management in HR by Audit Approach

日期: 2024年07月12日
時間: 9:30am – 5:30pm
價格: 會員: HK$2,400; 非會員: HK$3,600

授課語言:廣東話 (輔以英文教材)


上課地點:香港人力資源管理學會,香港九⿓觀塘觀塘道378號創紀之城2期18樓 1810-15室 (鄰近港鐵牛頭⻆站A出口約3分鐘路程)



Effective risk management in HR is essential for organisations as it directly impacts legal, financial, and reputational aspects. HR risks can arise from diverse processes like recruitment, performance management, compensation, benefits, and employee relations.


This seminar equips HR practitioners with strategies and practical insights to manage these risks. You will learn audit methodologies to assess their HR processes, identify potential risks, and develop mitigation strategies.



Programme Highlights

  • Design for HR practitioners & business leader
  • Practical Risk Management Strategies
  • Access HR Process with Audit Methodologies