【Ask Us Anything Series】Performance and Development Conversation

Date: 2024-08-05
Time: 12:45pm - 1:45pm
Pricing: 會員: 免費 非會員:$300

Language: Cantonese


Webinar (Login detials will be sent via email before the commencement of the programme)


“Your most-wanted Talent Management questions answered by TM experts and leaders!”


An informal open forum for junior to middle-level HR practitioners to ask any questions related to Performance and Development Conversation. Effective conversations drive employee growth, align individual goals with organisational objectives, and enhance overall productivity!


“Have you ever wished there was someone to answer your just-in-time questions at work?”


Share with us your questions, “Ask Us Anything” is finely tuned to address your relevance, while your identity will be kept anonymous. Don’t miss out on this unique chance; reserve your seat now!