Power BI essential in a Day - Dashboards and Reports for HR professionals

日期: 2024年07月17日
時間: 9:30 am - 5:00 pm
價格: 會員 HK$2,200; 非會員 HK$3,000

Former: Power BI Dashboards and Reports for HR professionals – Intermediate Level




上課地點:Infocan 電腦培訓室 九龍觀塘開源道 64 號源成中心 8 樓 (觀塘港鐵站B1出口)


超級早鳥優惠 [報名表格及費用須於 2024年5月20日或之前 繳交]

會員 HK$ 1,900

非會員 HK$ 2,500


早鳥優惠 [報名表格及費用須於 2024年6月17日或之前 繳交]

會員 HK$ 2,000

非會員 HK$ 2,700





  • Gain practical data skills through Data Model dashboards and reports


  • A one-day learning journey with lectures and exercises & Certificate of Completion


  • Continuous development opportunity. The first step to get certified. PL-300: Microsoft Power BI Data Analyst


Power BI is an interactive data visualisation software product developed by Microsoft.


This workshop equips you with key data skills, from generating meaningful business insights to visual presentations. With tools like Power Query, Data Modeling, and Visuals, you will be able to independently analyse data and generate reports, no longer relying solely on your IT team.


Enrol now to enhance your valu e in the data-driven world!