Executive Certificate in Strategic Budget Planning for HR

日期: 2024年08月16日
時間: 9:30am – 5:30pm
價格: 會員:HK$3,000;非會員:HK$4,000

持續專業發展(CPD)時數: 7


授課語言:廣東話 (輔以英文教材)


上課地點:香港人力資源管理學會,香港九⿓觀塘觀塘道378號創紀之城2期18樓 1810-15室 (鄰近港鐵牛頭⻆站A出口約3分鐘路程)


**參加者上課須自備智能手機,Microsoft系統電腦,預先安裝MS Excel和MS Word(2019或更新版本)及PDF閲讀器**


enlightenedHKIHRM會員優惠: 買一送一*


會員 HK$ 2,700

非會員 HK$ 3,700

*須在 2024年7月12日前 報名及繳費。此優惠不可與HKIHRM代用券及其他優惠同時使用。

Budget planning is of utmost importance in the context of HR development. HR is an organisation’s most valuable asset and critical for achieving long-term business success. By utilising and developing a well-planned budget, organisations can make informed decisions to allocate resources effectively, foster employee growth and development, and implement strategies to attract and retain top talent.


Learning Outcomes

  • Be able to prepare finance and non-finance data ready for the finance function
  • Understand the rationale of budgeting process of a business and the importance of Zero-Based Budgeting (ZBB)
  • Learn the skills of budget preparation and presentation and the use of key performance indicators (KPIs) in HR context
  • Be able to prepare a simple business budget using Excel