Certificate in Employment Law

日期: 2024年06月22日 - 2024年07月27日
時間: 9:30am – 5:00pm
價格: 會員:HK$10,000;非會員:HK$12,000

持續專業發展(CPD)時數: 30




上課地點:香港人力資源管理學會,香港九⿓觀塘觀塘道378號創紀之城2期18樓 1810-15室 (鄰近港鐵牛頭⻆站A出口約3分鐘路程)


超級早鳥優惠 [須於 2024年4月22日或之前 報名]*

會員 HK$ 8,000

非會員 HK$ 10,000


早鳥優惠 [須於 2024年5月24日或之前 報名]*

會員 HK$ 9,000

非會員 HK$ 11,000




This course aims to provide practical advice on how to combine HR acumen with Employment Law knowledge to draw up clear guidelines that can be used by organisations to guard against possible employees’ claims. While it is essential for HR professionals to be well-versed in Employment Law, the set of skills and legal knowledge they require is different from lawyers, which must be applicable to their daily work.




To answer the key questions of:


  • Why do HR professionals play an important gatekeeper role in formulation of the right policy?
  • Why is Employment Law an important factor in determining whether a workforce is engaged or not?
  • Why is it crucial for HR managers to understand what is conducive to employee engagement or not?