HKIHRM Quick Poll on 2022 HR Practices - Navigating the New Normal By the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management

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Publish Date: 2022-07-20

Key takeaways:


  • The survey polled HR professionals to better understand the common management practices put in place to counter the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Results highlight employee benefits that drive workplace satisfaction.


Conducted in May 2022, the “Quick Poll on 2022 HR Practices” by the HKIHRM gathered replies from 143 HR practitioners, gaining a perspective on how companies pivoted during the fifth wave of COVID-19. The study explores the latest measures implemented by companies regarding workplace flexibility, overtime compensation, and salary incentives.

Remote work policies

Owing to the pandemic, organisations reported an increased level of absence among their workforces. Flexible work has become an imperative for mitigating operational disruptions. Most respondents (97%) were offered work from home options. Nevertheless, the number of remote workdays varies upon organisational needs. In Q2 2022, a considerable number of employees (71%) could work from home for a maximum of over 3 days per week, while most of the remaining respondents were allowed to work two days (14%) or three days (11%) at home.Despite the implementation of flexible work practices, 28% of respondents anticipated a return to office mandate. 63% of the respondents assumed that the trend would continue, with 9% expressing an uncertain outlook over future work policies post-pandemic. Among the respondents who expected a continuance of remote work, 39% believed that they could have at most one day working from home. The other popular opinion held (33%) was working at most three days remotely per week.

Overtime compensation

Nearly all responding companies (93%) reported that their senior level employees were not entitled to any compensation for overtime working. Among those who gave the opposite answer, 90% indicated that time off would be offered in such case. On the contrary, more junior level employees, namely 48%, were compensated in ways of payment in lieu (60%), time off (69%), or in other forms (4%). 

Salary incentives

As one of the key components of employee retention, salary and bonuses would be periodically adjusted and issued to talents who excel professionally. The survey results disclosed that pay review usually takes place in January for most companies (42%), with April (21%) and December (20%) as the second and third choices. Similarly, discretionary bonus would usually be distributed in January (34%), March (18%), and December (17%).


The COVID-19 surge has prompted a widespread adoption of remote work, with the majority of organisations embracing a partially remote workforce in the second quarter of 2022. Under the new normal, some employees (63%) have heightened expectations for the future of work, foreseeing “work from home” as a permanent fixture. The role of HR is crucial to building workplace resilience in the face of the pandemic, hence facilitating organisational success.