Unleashing a New Era By Lawrence Hung

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Publish Date: 2022-07-12


 "As the new President of the HKIHRM, I would like to express heartfelt gratitude to the Executive Council for electing me and putting their collective faith in me. I trust  that we will make great strides shoulder to shoulder."


My aspirations as the new President

In my leadership role, I will focus on enhancing the membership and stakeholder experience via the Institute’s daily operation, service offerings, and programmes. I will also dedicate myself towards advancing ESG through my work with the HKIHRM, engaging the Institute’s committees and taskforces and leveraging their expertise for insights on elevating the standing of the HR profession.

To support the development of student members, I will strengthen engagement with higher education institutions via their career office and the HKIHRM’s mentorship programme. To advance HR standards, I will join forces with more government departments and bodies, professional associations, and media partners.

Job Creation Scheme 3.0 will be launched in July

Riding on the success of the first two rounds of the Job Creation Scheme (JCS), a collaboration with the Civil Service Bureau, the JCS 3.0 is slated to be launched in July. The Scheme will focus on alleviating the financial woes of organisations on the waiting list of the JCS 2.0, fresh graduates, and industries dealt a heavy blow by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Celebrate our 45th anniversary at the Annual Conference 2022

7 September will mark the Annual Conference 2022’s physical day, which will be held alongside the HR Excellence Awards 2021/22 at the Grand Hyatt. Join us in celebrating the Institute’s 45th anniversary on this special occasion and we look forward to seeing familiar faces as well as meeting new ones.

Lastly, the Executive Council will continue to work hand in hand with the Secretariat to propel the HKIHRM’s continuous growth. Let us all unite and attain one milestone after another in the years to come.

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同慶45週年 2022年度周年會議暨展覽會將於9月7日在香港君悅酒店以實體形式舉行。屆時,卓越人力資源奬2021/22將同場頒發,誠邀各位出席同慶學會45週年大日子,並期待當日能與各位業界朋友見面。
