Interview with Kandy Lui, Executive Director of the HKIHRM By the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management

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Publish Date: 2022-05-17

Key takeaways:


  • Since taking up the leadership role of Executive Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM) in February, Kandy Lui has been endeavouring to lead the Institute in forging new frontiers and enhancing its corporate branding.
  • Lui will continue to strive in boosting the HKIHRM’s standing as a leading professional body in Hong Kong.

“It is my tremendous honour to be appointed Executive Director of the HKIHRM and I am grateful for this opportunity,” said Kandy Lui, who has served the Institute for 10 years in a management capacity. Working shoulder to shoulder with the Secretariat, Lui hopes to support and propagate the development of the HR field and provide our members and the HR community at large with initiatives for navigating a challenging employment landscape.

One such initiative is the Job Creation Scheme, with both editions generating a total of 1,500 job vacancies to help the HKIHRM’s members stay afloat in an economic environment mired in uncertainty.

Under her leadership, Lui aspires to join forces consistently with tertiary institutions, professional associations, NGOs, and various industries, to advance the interests of HR practitioners, employees, SMEs, and youths. “As the pandemic recedes in Hong Kong, our Institute will organise more workshops for university students to establish a bond with them in the early stage of their career,” said Lui.

She continued, “I am delighted to witness the personal and professional growth of our young members, particularly those who joined the Institute as student members and are now contributing to the HKIHRM and the HR community through their mature role as taskforce members.”

Among Lui’s aspirations is the enhancement of the Institute’s corporate branding, which she hopes to bring to the fore through tailor made initiatives for different sectors and the latest industry updates and articles regularly shared on our social media channels.

“Going forward, from thought leadership to flagship and signature events to research insights, we will set our sights on engaging our members, in order to raise the bar of the HR profession hand in hand,” said Lui.