Vice President's Message – Resilience in the Face of COVID-19

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Publish Date: 2022-05-12


Dear Members,

Pleasure to be writing to you through this quarter’s Journal and I do hope everyone has been keeping well.  As HR professionals, we have all faced unprecedented challenges left, right and centre and I am sure all of us have worked hard in the last few months in keeping the workforce well and safe.  Together with all in Hong Kong, we have continued to be resilient and bounced back from the 5th wave of COVID.  I think we all deserve a round of applause for not giving up and doing the right thing for the employees.


The Institute has launched a number of initiatives trying our best to support each of the HR professionals in Hong Kong.  I would like to take this opportunity to share with you on these initiatives.


Resilience in the Face of COVID-19


In view of the fifth wave of the pandemic, the HKSAR Government had further restricted social distancing through rolling out various policies such as the vaccine pass regulation and proposed amendments to the Employment Ordinance.  The Institute had launched a variety of initiatives to support members in the fight against COVID-19, including tips to members on how to mitigate transmissions of the Omicron and Delta variants; a webinar on the impact of Omicron variant focusing on vaccination and legal consideration; a quick poll on vaccine pass and unvaccinated employees; and social media posts relating to the HKSAR Government’s latest COVID-related policies. We trust that these initiatives have enabled members through sharing of best practices across the sectors under the pandemic.


Job Creation Scheme 2.0 – relieve employers’ financial burden 


Continuing on the success of Job Creation Scheme 1.0 last year, we have the pleasure to continue to support the Government’s Job Creation Scheme (JCS) 2.0 this year.  The Scheme aims to create up to 1,000 time-limited jobs of different skill sets and academic qualifications in the private sector.  Three webinars attended by 1,000 participants in March aiming to help members in their understanding of the Scheme and its application process.  We were encouraged with the number of applications received after the sessions from the participants.


Honour the hard work of Hong Kong’s COVID-19 labour force


At the Executive Council, we were all moved and touched by the sacrifice and dedication of healthcare professionals and practitioners.  To express our gratitude, the Institute on behalf of the Executive Council, has formally expressed in writing our appreciation with their collective efforts in battling the pandemic and caring for patients amid this challenging time.


Strengthen media relations to promote the Institute’s views on the pandemic-impacted employment landscape


The HKIHRM has continually enhanced its relations with the media, ensuring its views and stances are cascaded across the HR community and with the public. In the first quarter, our Executive Council members had been interviewed by an array of media channels to offer our insights in response to the fifth wave of COVID-19 and our views on labour issues arising from sick leaves and quarantine arrangements under COVID-19 and employees’ back to office arrangements. Furthermore, our Institute has also issued submitted our views and suggestions in relation to the Government’s 2022-23 Budget centred on rejuvenating Hong Kong through nurturing human capital.


Looking ahead, we will continue to do our utmost in enhancing our services and initiatives tailored for members’ various needs, from the Annual Conference to signature events, topical seminars to pay trend and pay level surveys revamp. Last but not least, we do hope to welcome you in our various events as we celebrate the 45th Anniversary of the Institute this year.


Alice Wong


Vice President of the HKIHRM