HR Excellence Awards Winner's Series 2019/20 - Excellent Innovation Provider Award BDO

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Publish Date: 2021-10-04

Key takeaways:


  • For BDO, innovation ventures beyond technology to the professional services it provides.

  • The global professional firm has four decades of experience in offering HR outsourcing services.

What is the approach adopted by BDO to deliver service as an innovation?

BDO, as one of the largest reputable accounting and advisory firms, differentiates ourselves by the provision of “service as an innovation”. We think out of the box and from a broader perspective when serving our clients.

The development of Valise, an e-solution that complements our existing services, is one example of us being a pioneer catching the digitalisation trend. Furthermore, the establishment of the Professional Resources Solutions team is another timely response to embrace the gig economy and talent sharing, by providing a platform for gigger talents to park their employments with us.

The highlight of our innovation is our blended business solution, characterised by a consultative approach. It starts with the client meetings to understand their challenges and/or requirements, which allows us to pinpoint the root causes, thereafter tailor a blended solution that would meet the client’s immediate and long-term needs.

What are the challenges that the organisation faces in its provision of HR outsourcing services as a blended solution?

Our provision of a blended business solution proved to be effective only when all the three conditions are met:

  1. An experienced and crossdisciplinary client services team

  2. A comprehensive range of service offerings

  3. A collaborative and corporative team sharing the same objectives, goals, and expectations

The biggest challenge would be the absence of any of them. Yet, BDO has them all.

Our Client Service Team members come from different backgrounds and possess cross-disciplinary knowledge and experiences to understand the client’s needs and pain points. Over the past four decades, we have developed extensive service offerings and built strong professional service delivery teams, including the Payroll & HR Administration Outsourcing and Professional Resources Solutions teams.

How does BDO manage the expectations from client stakeholders while providing creative solutions?

In designing solutions for our clients, we first put ourselves in their shoes to ensure that it makes good business and financial sense, and most of all, it’s the right thing to do at the right time.

We don’t lip service our creativities without strong support of proven results or previous successes. We are transparent to the client with all the potential risks, make sure they are carefully considered, and preventive measures are taken with ongoing monitoring efforts.

BDO does not only provide advice, we have the capabilities and experiences to walk through the entire journey with our clients, from ideas creation to giving advice and all the way to implementation.