【Lunch and Learn Series】行業多面睇(保險行業)

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Publish Date: 2024-02-02

Key Takeaways:


  • Leverage on data analytics to help the organisation identify current patterns and future outlook regarding the workforce, enabling company leaders to make effective people decisions in line with company strategy.

  • Strategise culture change through roadmaps of 1-2 years and by embedding key messages into all HR initiatives to reinforce the continued awareness, alignment and application of desirable behaviours based on company values.

  • Engage employees constantly and frequently throughout the year by leveraging on a hybrid mode (face-to-face and digital), which enables the organisation to create an energetic and inclusive employee experience.

  • Empower employees to co-create the change together, which enables the organisation to learn from their insights and increases employees’ commitment to the culture change.

To offer comprehensive market insights across various industries in HR field, the Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM) has successfully organised a series of 【行業多面睇】 webinars for members since 2023. These webinars serve as valuable platforms for gaining in-depth knowledge about the latest industry trends and understanding the opportunities and challenges within different industries in the HR field. Through these webinars, members can broaden their understanding of the dynamic landscape and enhance their professional expertise.


Two representatives from AXA Hong Kong and Macau, Ms Isabel Lam, Chief People and Corporate Management Officer and Mr Charles Tang, Senior Manager, Learning & Culture, were the guest speakers for a webinar in our series. During the webinar, they shared insights on the current status and future developments, as well as the opportunities and challenges from the HR perspective of the insurance industry. Their engaging presentation included lively examples that brought the topic to life, providing participants with a deeper understanding of the HR landscape in the insurance sector.